Social Media Management: What Should You Share?
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12 December 2017 - 9:45, by , in Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Social Media Management, Twitter, Comments off

Do you know what time of day you should share a hilarious video on Facebook? Or, when you should retweet an inspiring article to your followers? Each social outlet in existence today has its own sharing protocol. If you want to achieve “high-impact” shares, learn what to do here.

Sharing: It’s an Art

When it comes to social media, the currency is the share. Everyone wants to become the “go-to” person, posting the latest news and best viral content. There are some who just have an uncanny ability to do this, while everyone else has to work just a tad bit harder. Social media sharing is a skill and just like any other skill, you have to practice – a lot – to get it perfect.

What Should You Share?

Every day people are inundated with all types of stuff to watch, read, think and see. In fact, the average American will consume 34 gigabytes of content, with more than 100,000 words in just a day. Your challenge is to make sure the stuff you are sharing is better than everyone else’s.

Some tips regarding what to share on social media include:

  • Something your network is going to thank you for
  • Something shocking or unusual
  • If it will pass the Facebook test (is it something you would want to see/share?)
  • Is it something you would email to a friend?

Click for Social Media Management ServicesWhen You Should Share on Social Media

Once you have got the what to share on social media down, it is time to move on to when you should share it. One of the best ways to figure this out is by testing your data. Share things at different times and see what gets the most attention and when this attention is at its highest.

A general rule of sharing for Facebook is that you should focus your efforts toward the end of the week. According to statistics, engagement rates go up as the week progresses. In fact, they are up to 18 percent higher on both Thursdays and Fridays.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to sharing (and getting attention) on social media, you have a lot to consider. Keep in mind, the best thing you can do is be consistent in regard to post structure and if you find a type or time that works well, use it. Social media is everywhere and to stand out and gain attention, you have to put effort into it.

If you need help managing your social media campaigns so you achieve the results you want, contact Brady Anderson today at 425-689-7991 or brady@solutionsdigitalmarketing.com to talk about it.




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