Solutions Digital Marketing

Comparing Social Media Platforms

There’s no question that social media provides several unique opportunities for businesses of all sizes. It helps to connect you to your audience and deliver virtually instant feedback. The challenge you may face is figuring out which social media outlet you should most pursue.

The fact is, there are some social media platforms that are better suited for certain types of businesses. Learn more about the most popular platforms here.  


One of the biggest benefits offered by marketing on Facebook is your ability to target users based on their specific interests. Also, while other social media platforms have limitations, Facebook doesn’t. There are no limitations regarding post length, post types, and more. As a result, you can use more diverse efforts to achieve the same results.


Twitter has more than 313 million users each month, making it a popular platform for many businesses. However, if you are going to use Twitter, you should do so to connect with certain groups and build relationships based on what is important to them.

Also, Twitter offers targeted ad campaigns, but they aren’t as robust as what is offered by Facebook. Much of this is due to the 140-character limit.


A platform that has been growing in popularity for business use is Instagram. With more than 600 million monthly visitors, this is a great place to market your business and reach even more consumers than before.

The audience targeting capabilities are similar to Facebook (the parent company of Instagram), which means you get all the perks. Also, users of Instagram are up to 58 times more likely to share a post from this platform than they are from Facebook, and 120 times more likely than from Twitter.


While LinkedIn has a far reach with more than 106 million users each month, the targeting opportunities are extremely specific. If you are just trying to reach B2B customers, then you are in the right place.

While there are some other social media platforms to consider, such as Pinterest and Snapchat, the ones listed here are considered the most effective when trying to market your business. To learn more and help narrow down the best social media platforms for your business, give Brady a call at Solutions Digital Marketing.  

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