Category: Facebook
If you have a business, a cause, or another reason to have Facebook fans you need a Facebook Fan page and you need likes. The more likes the better.  But how do you go about building your audience with lots and lots of likes without having to remain solely on advertising?  Here are three ways...
8 December 2016 - 10:50, by , in Content, Facebook, Online Marketing Strategy, Social Media Management, Comments off
Branding is essentially a marketing strategy.  However, since the advent of marketing, branding has taken on new meanings throughout the decades. For example, a brand was often limited to a name, such as Johnson & Johnson and/or a slogan, such as these slogans from the Coca Cola company, “I’d like to buy the world a...
With billions of people navigating Facebook everyday, there is always something going viral. Why not get in on the action? Would you like to increase your brand recognition with a viral Facebook post?  Of course you would! While many posts seem to go viral on pure luck, there are some steps you can take to...
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Holidays define our timeline as much as the changing of the seasons and the movement of the stars. They give us warm, happy, and delightfully frightful experiences that break away from the everyday routine. By using holiday-themed marketing strategies you illicit they types of feelings in association with your brand. With the summer over and...
Marketing Ideas
With today’s competitiveness in the digital marketplace, businesses are having to come up with unique ways to promote their niche products, services, and events.  Marketing teams are the lifeblood of a business; without them, businesses won’t grow or get very many customers.  The goal of the marketing team is to generate leads that will turn...
Put simply, PPC “Pay-Per-Click” Advertising, also called SEM (Search Engine Marketing), is a way to purchase visitors to your website. There is a little more to it than that, but this is the overall purpose of most campaigns. This form of advertising is simply a piece of the aggregate strategy for successfully marketing products and...
Social Media
Last week, we began to discuss questions you should ask when considering what social media or advertising platform is right for your business. Today, let’s give an example of how you can go about this process, and let’s apply these questions to a scenario. Keep in mind that there is no default “right answer” for every...