5 Email Marketing Best Practices
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13 January 2017 - 12:02, by , in Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Online Marketing Strategy, Comments off

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools at your disposal. This is because the people you are emailing want to receive your emails. They want to get updated on a cause they donated to. They want to know about your 50% off sale before everyone else. They want to read the latest article or blog you just published.

And it doesn’t matter if you have twenty or twenty thousand people subscribed to your email list, a successful marketing campaign is always possible once you know how to follow best practices.

1. Make the Subject Line Stand Out

The first thing your subscriber will see is the subject line of your email, so make it count.  Ultimately, the subject line will determine whether the user opens your email or not.  To grab your reader’s attention, play around with different subject lines and get opinions on which ones you think will get the job done.


2.  Use an Email Marketing Service

By using a service like Constant Contact or Mail Chimp you can add all sorts of details to your marketing campaigns, such as pictures, graphics and redeemable coupons.  These services also keep track of and analyze data.  You will know how man people opened your emails,for example, and how many didn’t.

3.   Don’t Overdo It

Sending out multiple emails a day is sure to annoy a lot of people. You definitely don’t want customers to think you’re a nag so keep the email campaigns at a reasonable level.  This means keeping in touch with customers every five to seven days.

4.  Provide Amazing Content

Your emails should be full of valuable content.  Wether the content is informational, instructional, or entertaining it needs to provide value for the reader.  Ending with a call to action is fine, just be sure what you offer before that is what the customer wants – and looks forward to.

5.  Don’t Use the Word Newsletter

When people see the word newsletter in the subject line, they automatically think of a very long email made up of very long parts. And who has time to read all of that? Their next step is usually to hit the delete button and move on to the next email. Leave lengthly newsletters out of email campaigns and instead keep emails short and to the point.

Do you need help creating an email campagin that will get you the conversions you’re looking for? If so, reach out to Brady at Solutions Digital Marketing. Call 425-689-7991 or send an email at Brady@solutionsdigitalmarketing.com.


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