5 Fun, Creative Ways to Keep Customers Coming Back
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3 November 2016 - 8:40, by , in Blogging, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Online Marketing Strategy, Comments off

Repeat customers typically make up 40 percent of sales.  And what’s even more profitable about repeat customers is that you usually don’t have to spend any money to make them come back.  Here are five fun and creative ways to keep customers coming back to your site and making purchases.

1. Educate Customers

Give your customers free information that refers to your niche.  If you own a brewery, for example, hold a free class on how to brew your own beer.  If your niche is in a specailized area, bring in experts that can give talks on the subject.  Another way to educate customers is through a blog. People enjoy reading engaging content that an interesting site provides. This will give your brand authority and get you higher up on google’s search engine rankings a well.

2. Keep in Touch

“Out of sight, out of mind.” Remember that when it comes to your customers.  People get busy and there are many other companies out there competing for you customer’s cash.  That means you need to send your customers personalized emails that let them know when a sale is going on, when you have received a new item for sale, or when are offering a new service.  You cannot expect people to always visit your site on their own.  It’s up to you to remind them to visit and give them a reason to visit.

3. Give Away Free Stuff

rewardsOne way to keep customers coming back again and again is by offering a rewards program. By leaving reviews, simply shopping, or referring friends, customers can earn points or cash to get free stuff.  Be sure to offer items or services that are of high quality.  Unless your customers are writers, don’t give away pens or promotional items.  Give away items and services that are valuable to help establish brand awareness right from the start.


4. Entertain Them

By finding unique ways to keep customers entertained while they are shopping, you will build brand identity and keep customers coming back.  Take the clothing retailer, Justfab.com, for example. They offer an entertaining way for new shoppers to shop their way to Diamond Elite Status. And once the customer reaches this level, they are showered with special privileges like early shopping for sales, cash coupons deposited into their account for no special reason, and lower prices on everything in the store.  The membership costs $39.95, but that money is deposited into your account to spend on items, or you can choose to skip the month and there is no charge.  What a fun way to shop!

5. Give them a Story to Tell

Do something outrageously wonderful for a loyal customer. Make it so over the top that they can’t help but tell all their friends and family – over the phone, on facebook, twitter, etc… Getting someone else to talk about your brand and your amazing customer gratitude will likely get postitive responses from listeners who may feel urged to check you out.

Source:  https://www.sweettoothrewards.com/blog/repeat-customers-profitable-stats-to-prove/

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